Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Get to Know About Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

LNG is an abbreviation of liquefied natural gas. In order to transform natural gas into liquid phase or LNG, we have to cool it to a temperature of -160 C. All objects at cryogenic temperatures (below -100 C) its characteristics will change. An example is a piece of iron plate after being immersed into LNG can be brittle and easily broken just by hammering it with a bare hand.

LNG Badak Bontang, East Kalimantan Indonesia

One interesting phenomenon of LNG is when we expose it onto water surface it could result in a small to big explosion. How this phenomenon could happen? It happens with the same reason of hot cooking oil when we spray it with water droplets.

It should be noted that the differences in water temperature and the heat of cooking oil is quite large. The water temperature was 25 C, whereas no cooking oil at temperatures above the boiling point of water at 100 C. When water touches the surface of the hot cooking oil, evaporation occurs quickly. Volume of water changed rapidly to 1000 times greater after the phase change from liquid to vapor. As a result water vapor trapped in the hot cooking oil fluid pushes out quickly and explosion effects are occurring accompanied by splashing of hot cooking oil.

The same thing happens when the temperature is -160 C LNG thrown over a water surface at a temperature of 25 C. There is a difference in temperature of 185 C. This is greater than in water example with hot cooking oil before. LNG volume when it turns to gas will increase to 600 times greater. As a result, the LNG liquid which turns into gas will quickly break through the surface of the water, causing explosions effects.

True Story of Danger When LNG Poured onto Water Surface

I will share a true story I experienced while working in one of the LNG plant in Indonesia when there was LNG liquid spill. It was a very depressing moment because we all know what could happen when LNG vapor gets ignited by an electric spark or other ignition sources. The electrical power source had been disconnected to reduce risk. It happened early in the morning. LNG liquid spill stopped but came out again every four hours later. Suddenly around midnight there was a huge explosion. We all wondered what really happened. There was no sign of fire smoke or any fire at all. But it was dark because the electricity was shutdown. Fortunately, there were no operators at the scene because it was very dark. We must wait until the next morning. The next morning I told my boss that LNG spill will appear again in less than 4 hours from now. Finally it was decided to install an isolation valve so that the spill could be stopped for good.

After investigation, it was concluded that when the LNG leaked from the valve it fell onto the ground and cooled the surroundings. As a result, the LNG initially was evaporated into a gas, remained in a liquid phase and flowed into a closed trenches (sewers). In the trenches the liquid LNG met with water surface causing explosion. The forces resulted from the explosion are capable of tearing up a 50 cm thick concrete, split in half and lifted it up to the surface of the ground. One sand trolley was thrown up to the top and stuck on a pipe rack. It took long overhaul to repair the damages.

Liquefying Natural Gas is basically a risk management business. As a matter of fact man can never reduce the risk to an absolute zero. Companies and state regulations are usually will require that we reduce the risk to a minimum possible or as low as reasonably practical. If you can not, then we must stop the operation and make the necessary repairs or modifications. Therefore readiness to face the worst case scenario should always be prepared and practiced.

Helfia Nil Chalis. Bisnis Internet.

Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

Building Tangguh LNG Operation Team

Time had passed more than six years since I joined BP Tangguh to build the Tangguh LNG Plant operations team. Through 'Our Blog' at http://www.helfia.net, I shared my experiences to all of you. I just hope that it will be useful for you. Just follow this link.

Quote of the day

Everything needs enormous efforts for lazy people.
Everything is difficult for complaining people.
Everything is impossible for negative thinking people.

Would it be true if ....
We motivate ourselves to work harder
We stop complaining and start to be thankful to whatever we have just now
We stop worrying and start building trust to whatever we experienced

Then life becoming more beautiful and meaningful....
Without us knowing it we are becoming a real successful people in life...

Quote of the day

Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

Creating your own website for free using Weebly

I have created my weblog: http://www.helfia.net using weebly for fee. Just check it out and if you think it is cool actually you can have yours for fee too. Just click this link:

Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

Apa itu LNG


LNG adalah singkatan dari Liquefied Natural Gas yang padanan katanya dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah Gas Alam Cair. Jadi LNG tidak lain adalah gas alam atau gas metan yang dicairkan dengan tujuan memudahkan pengangkutan dan penyimpanannya. Pencairan dilakukan dengan mendinginkan gas alam sampai temperatur -160 derajat Celcius dan disimpan pada tekanan atmosferik. LNG mengandung sebagian besar gas metan (CH4) dan beberapa komponen gas hidrokarbon yang lain seperti gas etan, gas propan, termasuk beberapa komponen hidrokarbon berat lainnya seperti butan, dan pentan. Jumlah hidrokarbon berat seperti butan dan pentan atau yang lebih berat di dalam LNG biasanya dibatasi tidak boleh lebih dari 0.1% sesuai perjanjian kontrak penjualan LNG.

Lanjutan silahkan klik link ke Helfia''s Website:

Seorang Direktur di dalam Perahu

Seorang direktur sebuah perusahaan yang sedang berada dalam sebuah perahu kecil ketika menyeberang ke sebuah pulau bercakap-cakap dengan dua orang nelayan.

Direktur: Kamu pernah kuliah?
Nelayan: Tidak, saya tidak punya uang untuk kuliah
Direktur: Kamu kehilangan separuh hidupmu. Kamu pernah keliling dunia?
Nelayan: Tidak, saya tidak punya uang untuk jalan-jalan keliling dunia.
Direktur: Kamu kehilangan separuhnya lagi dari hidupmu.

(Badai datang dan air memasuki perahu).

Nelayan: Kamu tahu caranya berenang?
Direktur: Tidak!
Nelayan: Kalau begitu kamu akan kehilangan seluruh hidupmu.

Teman-teman bisa lihat, kan? Jangan pernah meremehkan siapapun. Tetaplah rendah hati dan menyayangi.

Oleh: Helfia Nil Chaliswww.helfia.net
Sumber: Unknown

Pertamina Akan Jual LNG di Dalam Negri

Marina Island PT Badak NGL, Bontang Foto courtesy from Heru S. Tyon www.helfia.net
Merdeka.com tanggal 6 Agustus 2012 memberitakan bahwa PT Pertamina (persero) berencana untuk mengembangkan penggunaan gas alam cair (liquified natural gas/LNG) hingga menyentuh pasar transportasi dan rumah tangga. Untuk itu diperlukan converter kit guna memfasilitasi transportasinya. Direktur Utama Pertamina Karen Agustiawan mengatakan bahwa rencana ini juga sekaligus untuk menekan konsumsi BBM, mengurangi subsidi dan menghemat devisa negara.

Selama ini bisnis LNG selalu berorientasi ekspor disebabkan harga gas dalam negeri masih sangat rendah sehingga tidak ekonomis untuk dikelola. Paradigma ini mulai berubah sejak beroperasinya FSRU Nusantara Regas 1 pada 24 Mei 2012. Pertamina melalui anak perusahaan PT Badak NGL telah melakukan uji coba penggunaan LNG untuk kendaraan operasional perusahaan dan tiga unit kompor rumah tangga. sebagai bentuk komitmen merintis LNG untuk transportasi dan rumah tangga.

Karen menjelaskan bahwa LNG lebih ramah lingkungan karena dapat mengurangi emisi sampai 85% dibandingkan bensin dan solar. Pada waktu itu disampaikan bahwa target commissioning dimulai 1 Desember 2012 dimana sebanyak 4 unit dump truck Indocomindo akan memanfaatkan LNG sebagai bahan bakar yang diperkirakan membutuhkan LNG sekitar 60 MMbtud (Juta Btu per hari). Kalau telah beroperasi penuh ada sekitar 84 dump truck yang akan menggunakan LNG sebagai bahan bakar yang akan memerlukan LNG sebanyak 3,97 BBtud (Milyar Btu per hari).

Dilansir ulang oleh: Helfia Nil Chaliswww.helfia.net
Sumber: Merdeka.com [rin]
Berita terkait: LNG untuk Transportasi dan Rumah Tangga